2020-06-08 |
Universities Try to Cut Spending by Slashing Sports Programs |
2020-06-08 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-08 |
CNN Plays Manipulatively, Deceptively Edited Clip Of Trump, Does Not Provide Context |
2020-06-08 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-08 |
Congressional Black Caucus Chair Says Protesting Has Been 'Peaceful' Every Day Across the Country... |
2020-06-08 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-08 |
Chicago Weekend Violence: 31 Shot, 5 Fatally |
2020-06-08 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-08 |
Omar 'Should be embarrassed' She Wants To Defund Police, GOP Opponent Says |
2020-06-08 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-08 |
Man Charged With Murder of Retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn |
2020-06-08 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-08 |
Cory Booker: We Have More African-American Men Under Criminal Supervision Than All The Slaves In 1850... |
2020-06-08 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-08 |
AG Bill Barr: No, I Do Not Think That Law Enforcement Is Systemically Racist... |
2020-06-08 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-08 |
Good Morning #MugClub |
2020-06-08 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-08 |
Does retired Police Captain David Dorn's Life Matter? Suspect Arrested and Charged |
2020-06-08 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-08 |
De Blasio Will Cut Funds to NYPD, Transfer Money to Social Programs |
2020-06-08 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-08 |
Prof in Canada Fired for Believing Biological Sex is Real |
2020-06-08 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-08 |
"Social Justice Warrior-ing" -- Is That Now Taught at the FBI Academy? |
2020-06-08 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-08 |
MN Mayor Jacob Frey Booed, Kicked Off Stage at BLM Rally After Standing Up Against 'Defund Police' Protesters |
2020-06-08 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-08 |
Branco Cartoon - Hoping for the Worst |
2020-06-08 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-08 |
Exclusive: Congressional Republicans to Unveil Largest Iran Sanctions Plan in History |
2020-06-08 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-08 |
Iran Blocks Access to Nuclear Sites, IAEA Says in New Report |
2020-06-08 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-08 |
Boris Johnson plans new scheme to end Britain's reliance on China |
2020-06-07 |
www.express.co.uk |
2020-06-08 |
District Councillors demand security law withdrawal - RTHK |
news.rthk.hk |
2020-06-08 |
Government job losses are piling up, and it could get worse |
2020-06-06 |
www.foxbusiness.com |
2020-06-08 |
Supreme Court may change the future of abortion |
2020-06-07 |
www.washingtonexaminer.com |
2020-06-08 |
Prosecutors formally request to talk with Prince Andrew in Epstein investigation |
2020-06-07 |
www.nbcnews.com |
2020-06-08 |
2020-06-08 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-07 |
India and Australia Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement |
2020-06-07 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-07 |
Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned |
2020-06-07 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-07 |
Cornell students demand Chemistry Prof. David Collum be fired for tweeting that Buffalo incident was not police brutalit... |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Arrest Made In Connection With The Murder Of Ret. Capt. David Dorn |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Bush, Powell, and Romney Won't Support Trump in 2020: If a Tree Falls in the Forest .... |
2020-06-07 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-07 |
DHS Acting Sec: Law Enforcement Does Not Have 'Systemic Racism Problem' |
2020-06-07 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-07 |
NY Times Opinion Editor Resigns After Internal Fury Over Op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Minneapolis City Council Announces Veto-Proof Move to Disband Police |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
The Regressive Left Embraces Their Inner '60s Radical . . . With a Difference |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam Will Not Use Guns In 'Looney Tunes' Reboot |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
White Protesters Wash The Feet Of Black Protest Organizers |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Sunday Talks: Peter Navarro Discusses Economic Reopening and Confrontation With China... |
2020-06-07 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-07 |
Alternative Suggestions Roll in for Privileged Politicians, Celebrities Who Want to 'Defund the Police' |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Protester Returns Stuff To Business Owner He Stole From... |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Lara Trump: Joe Biden has done nothing for the black community |
2020-06-07 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-07 |
NYC To Shift Funding From NYPD To "Youth & Social Services"... |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Mayor DeBlasio Announces NYC Budget to Move Funds from NYPD to Youth and Social Programs |
2020-06-07 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-07 |
India, Australia Sign Military Agreement Amid China's Rising Aggression |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
California Ambush Leaves 1 Deputy Dead, 2 Officers Hurt |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
NY Times Op-Ed Uses Coronavirus Crisis to Push for Free College |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Chinese scramble to cover for ambassador's remarks about its coronavirus vaccine test status |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell: Democratic Party Has Been 'Hijacked By The Extremists' |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
College in Georgia Expels Student for Racist Language Used on Social Media |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Minneapolis, Looking Like The Aftermath Of War |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
82-Year-Old Massachusetts Veteran Assaulted for Holding Trump Sign |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Students at Mizzou Renew Calls for Removal of Thomas Jefferson Statue |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
'Molotov Thrower' Urooj Rahman Blames De Blasio For Not Holding Back NYPD Amid Protests |
2020-06-07 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-07 |
Americans Feel Betrayed Week at Legal Insurrection |
2020-06-07 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-07 |
Foreign Propagandists Exploit U.S. Unrest |
2020-06-07 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-07 |
States are leaning toward a push to break up Google's ad tech business |
2020-06-05 |
www.cnbc.com |
2020-06-06 |
Protest Organizer In New York City Appears To Threaten To Burn Down The Diamond District If Leaders Do Not Meet Demands |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Liberal Minneapolis Mayor Booted From Protest After Not Saying He Would Defund Police |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
VIDEO: Liberal Minneapolis Mayor Kicked Out of Protest and Taunted When Refuses to Defund Police |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Andrew Sullivan Has Been Defenestrated by the New York Woke Media |
2020-06-06 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-06 |
Suspected Cop-stabber Yelled 'Allahu Akbar' During Attack, Police Say |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Virus Politics: Public Health Experts Promote Black Lives Matter Protests, Reject Lockdown Protests |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Denial of Truth Allows Easier Trespass.... |
2020-06-06 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-06 |
Anger Games - Economic Rebound Antithetical To The Class Warfare Plan... |
2020-06-06 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-06 |
Two California counties successfully reopened 'high-risk' businesses a month ago; now, the rest of the state follows |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Goodell Says NFL Wrong For "Not Listening To Players" |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
White BLM Protesters Attack Black Police Officer In Austin |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Why Socialism Sucks. An Interview with Dinesh D'Souza |
2020-06-06 |
videos.whatfinger.com |
2020-06-06 |
The Campus Social Justice Warriors of Yesterday Are Now in the Workplace |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
82-Year-Old Attacked For Holding A Trump Sign Gets Emotional When He Receives A Call From Donald Trump Jr. |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Feds Sign $105-Million Deal With Bombardier for 2 New Challenger Jets |
2020-06-06 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-06 |
'This Is A Sham': Tucker Blasts Health Care Professionals Who Signed Letter Exempting George Floyd Protests From Coronav... |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
EU Wants to Lift Europe-Wide Coronavirus Travel Ban by End of June |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Politicized Science: Lancet, NEJM retract studies on HCQ |
2020-06-06 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-06 |
Why The FBI Shouldn't Take A Knee, But Did: Concerns Mount Over FBI's Role In Protests |
2020-06-06 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-06 |
Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder |
2020-06-06 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
Faculty Members of George Washington U. Law School Want To Strip William Barr of Honorary Degree |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Medical Journal Retracts Study Claiming Hydroxychloroquine Is Dangerous |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder |
2020-06-06 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
Democrats Can Kiss Their Riot Cycle Strategy Goodbye |
2020-06-06 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-06 |
Rasmussen: Likely Black Voter Approval for Trump Has Surged to Over 40 Percent |
2020-06-06 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-06 |
Paul Krugman Pushes Conspiracy Theory About New Jobs Numbers |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
UConn Takes Federal Bailout Cash, Raises Tuition for Some, Offers Free College to Others |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
Radicalism on Campus Week in Higher Education |
2020-06-06 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-06 |
DEVELOPING: MSNBC Hires Russia Hoax Plotter Lisa Page |
2020-06-06 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-06 |
Andrew McCabe Is A Liar - And the Media is a Willful Collaborator |
2020-06-05 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-06 |
Hickenlooper Guilty on Ethics Charge |
2020-06-05 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-06 |
Wokevirus |
2020-06-03 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
h e l t e r s k e l t e r |
2020-05-29 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
Two Minutes Hate |
2020-05-27 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
Send in the Clowns |
2020-05-20 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
OK, Karen! |
2020-05-17 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-06 |
Head Of Chicago Nonprofit C4 To Step Down After Probe Into Money Troubles, Late Paychecks |
2020-06-05 |
chicago.cbslocal.com |
2020-06-06 |
Why doesn't Iran enter talks with the U.S.? |
2020-06-05 |
irancommentary.wordpress.com |
2020-06-06 |
The Conservative Energy Network Funded Almost Entirely by the Left - Capital Research Center |
capitalresearch.org |
2020-06-06 |
Anger Games, Night 10 - Economic Rebound Antithetical To The Class Warfare Plan... |
2020-06-06 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-06 |
Amazon Distribution Warehouse in Southern California Destroyed in Friday-Morning Fire - CBS San Francisco |
2020-06-05 |
sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com |
2020-06-06 |
Biden clinches nomination, readies for fall showdown with Trump | Just The News |
justthenews.com |
2020-06-06 |
2020-06-05 |
videos.whatfinger.com |
2020-06-05 |
Shutdown Challenge Victory - Michigan Supreme Court Rules 7-0 In Favor of Barber Who Refuses to Close Shop... |
2020-06-05 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-05 |
Massive Crowds of Supporters Line Streets to Greet President Trump in Maine - President Trump Remarks During Puritan Med... |
2020-06-05 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-05 |
President Trump Holds Commercial Fishing Roundtable in Bangor, Maine - Video and Proclamation |
2020-06-05 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-05 |
Stunning Bounce - May Jobs Gains of 2.5 Million Shocks Everyone... |
2020-06-05 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-05 |
President Trump Holds a News Conference at The White House... |
2020-06-05 |
theconservativetreehouse.com |
2020-06-05 |
Wall Street Surges on Striking US Jobs Report |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
US Will Allow Limited Flights by Chinese Airlines, Not a Ban |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Bentley, Aston Martin and McLaren Are Slashing Thousands of Jobs |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
These Companies Are Hiring During the CCP Virus Crisis |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Trump: Economic Recovery Better Than V-shaped, 'This Is a Rocket Ship' |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Canada Gets Unexpected Jobs Boost in May |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Labor Market Makes Surprise Rebound as Unemployment Falls and Economy Adds Jobs |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
CBA Fined $5M for Overcharging Customers |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
GM Plans Electric Van for Business Users in Bid to Preempt Tesla |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Australia Introduces 'Significant Change' to Foreign Investment Laws Amid Concerns Over Chinese Ownership |
2020-06-05 |
www.theepochtimes.com |
2020-06-05 |
Obama-Era Economic Adviser Calls Paul Krugman's Claim That Trump Fixed Job Numbers Baseless |
2020-06-05 |
dailycaller.com |
2020-06-05 |
Trump Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Leave Germany |
2020-06-05 |
dailycaller.com |
2020-06-05 |
LA Mayor Says Up To $150 Million To Be Cut From LAPD Funding And Reinvested In Communities of Color - David Harris Jr |
2020-06-05 |
davidharrisjr.com |
2020-06-05 |
Gibson's Bakery v. Oberlin College - Appeal Brief Filed - NAACP Supporting College |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Ivanka Trump's commencement speech was canceled because social justice is a disease |
2020-06-05 |
www.washingtonexaminer.com |
2020-06-05 |
3 Protesters Tracked Officers To Their Homes, Threw Molotov Cocktails At Police Cars, Authorities Say |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Republican-led Senate Homeland Security Committee Authorizes Subpoenas For Obama Admin Officials |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Appeals Court Orders Molotov Cocktail Lawyers Back to Jail |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
DC Circuit Court Does Judge Sullivan No Favors In Order Setting Oral Argument |
2020-06-05 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-05 |
Appeals Court Orders Molotov Cocktail Lawyers Back to Jail |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
MSDNC Hires Lisa Page As A Legal Analyst |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Washington Post Blasted Over Inaccurate 'Grim Milestone' Tweet On Unemployment Rate: 'It's Not True' |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
All 57 Members of Buffalo Police Department's Emergency Response Team Resign |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
DNC Chair Says Trump's To Blame For High Unemployment, Not The Pandemic... |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Rosenstein's Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs |
2020-06-05 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-05 |
Burgess Owens: Democrats Are 'Frantic' That The Black Vote Is Leaving Their Party |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
Iran Expands Footprint in Iraq With American-Sanctioned Electricity Deal |
2020-06-05 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-05 |
Russia Hoax: Nearly Three Dozen Subpoenas Approved for Obama Administration Officials |
2020-06-05 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-05 |
Biden: '10 to 15 Percent' of Americans are 'Not Very Good People,' But 'Vast Majority' are Decent |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Joe Biden On Jobs Report: Trump Deserves No Credit... |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
NBC Reports On Blowout Jobs Report: "Wow," "Stunner," "Much Better Than Expected"... |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Dark To Light: Covid, Genuflecting, Rosenstein, and FIRE |
2020-06-05 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-05 |
Liberals Are All In On Chaos |
2020-06-05 |
videos.whatfinger.com |
2020-06-05 |
Despite The Assistance Of Notes, Biden Repeats Himself 3 Times In Less Than 1 Minute |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Gets National Guard Booted Out Of Hotel In D.C. |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Bureau of Labor Statistics Reports 2.5+ Million Jobs Return in May |
2020-06-05 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-05 |
Bernie Sanders Staffers at War With Each Other as Election Approaches |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
School Districts Across The Country Move To Cut Contracts With Local Police |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
Letter From Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, 'I Am Not Done' |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
Trump Touts Surprise Job Gains, Calls On States To End Coronavirus Lockdowns |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
D.C. Mayor Renames Street By Torched Church And White House 'Black Lives Matter Plz' |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
May sees biggest jobs increase ever of 2.5 million as economy starts to recover from coronavirus |
2020-06-05 |
www.cnbc.com |
2020-06-05 |
Trump signs bill to ease guidelines on coronavirus relief loans for small businesses |
2020-06-05 |
www.cnbc.com |
2020-06-05 |
College Republican Event at Southern Oregon U. Called 'Alt-Right' Because Invited Speaker Left Antifa |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Biden Claims '10 To 15 Percent' Of Americans Are 'Just Not Very Good People' |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Wuhan Virus Watch: Reviewing the Last 125 Days of Legal Insurrection Coverage |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Corporations Blasted For Sponsoring BLM Protests: Why Don't They Donate To Small Businesses That Were Looted? |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Left Claims Cleaning Black Lives Matter Graffiti Off Buildings Is Racist... |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
'Opening with a bang': President Trump Celebrates May Job Numbers |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
VIDEO: NYU Business Prof Explains How Coronavirus Will be A Wrecking Ball to Higher Ed |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Insane: Liberal Activists Now Want To 'Defund The Police' |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Condoleezza Rice: Floyd's Horrific Death Should Move America to a Positive Direction |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
African American Woman Wins GOP Primary For Elijah Cummings' Seat |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Rules Montgomery County, MD, Program to Provide Cash Payments to Illegal Aliens Li... |
2020-06-05 |
www.judicialwatch.org |
2020-06-05 |
Jobs are Returning: Unemployment at 13.3%, Payrolls Rose by 2.5 Million |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Crowd Boos De Blasio At George Floyd Memorial In Brooklyn... |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
Rosenstein and McCabe Spar Before a Biased Referee |
2020-06-05 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-05 |
Fmr. Antifa Member: A lot Of The Group's Mainstream Supporters Are Democratic Left |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
2020-06-05 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-05 |
British Prime Minister 'No Choice' But to Offer Citizenship to Almost 3 Million Hong Kong Citizens |
2020-06-05 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-05 |
Prof Resigns After Criticizing Protesters on Twitter |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-05 |
Judge Orders Tennessee to Provide its 4.1 million Registered Voters With Mail-in Voting |
2020-06-05 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-05 |
Trump Administration to Ban Chinese Airlines as Beijing Defies Agreement |
2020-06-05 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Video Shows Buffalo Officer Shoving An Elderly Man To Ground Then Walking Past As He Bleeds Out On The Sidewalk... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Jeremiah Ellison, Minnesota AG Keith Ellison's Son: 'We Are Going To Dismantle The Minneapolis Police Department' |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Reminder: "Hands up, don't shoot" is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
NYC Pushes $1.1 Billion Cut To NYPD Budget As Ninth Night Of Demonstrations Begins |
2020-06-04 |
www.zerohedge.com |
2020-06-04 |
"Reverend" Al Sharpton To Lead March On Wash D.C... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Appearances: Varney. & Co. - Business Leaders Staying Silent About Looting and Riots; Jobless Claims are Slowing Down |
2020-06-04 |
andy.puzder.com |
2020-06-04 |
You Will Be Made To Bow: White Leftists Kneel Before Blacks They Harmed By Being Born White |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Medical Journal Retracts Study Claiming Hydroxychloroquine Is Dangerous |
2020-06-04 |
dailycaller.com |
2020-06-04 |
Dem Senator Pretty Much Made The Trump White House's Case In Rosenstein Hearing |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
DOMINATE THE STREETS! #CrowderRiotStream | Tim Pool Guests | #680 Louder with Crowder |
2020-06-04 |
www.youtube.com |
2020-06-04 |
NY Times Reporters Stage 'Open Revolt' Over Tom Cotton Op-Ed Calling On Military To Help End Widescale Riots and Looting |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
AG Barr Says DOJ Has Evidence That Antifa And Other Left-Wing Extremist Groups Have Been Involved In Instigating Violenc... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Academic 'Fixes' Sen. Cotton's Op-Ed, Changes Headline To 'Disband The Police' |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
CNN's Chris Cuomo Unaware The First Amendment Protects Only Peaceful Protest |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
NBC Reporter Calls St. John's Church Torched By Rioters 'Some Vandalism' |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Tweet of The Day... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Senator Graham Postpones Vote for Issuing Subpoenas in Crossfire Hurricane Investigation |
2020-06-04 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-04 |
Compensation Fund Approved For Jeffrey Epstein's Victims |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Iran, Russia Smuggling Weapons to Libyan Terror Factions |
2020-06-04 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-04 |
Biden Keeps Coughing During George Floyd Speech... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
NYC Construction Workers Use Excavator to Save Gucci Handbags, Other Valuable Items From Looters |
2020-06-04 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-04 |
Project Veritas Exposes Antifa: Eye Gouging, 'Do Dangerous Things as Safely as Possible' |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Antifa: 'Practice Things Like An Eye Gouge ... Injure Someone's Eyes' |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
In Wake of Protests, Dem Rep. DeLauro Slams Reopening of the Economy |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Something Deeply Troubling Is Going On, Be Warned |
2020-06-04 |
videos.whatfinger.com |
2020-06-04 |
Experts Elmo And Big Bird To Join CNN Town Hall On Racism |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
NYC City Councilman: Blame Racism, Not Riots, for Post-Riot Coronavirus Uptick |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Apple Disabling And Tracking Down Phones Stolen By Looters... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Schumer On Protests: 'Overwhelming Majority' Are 'Peaceful'... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Feds Investigating Whether 'Professional' Antifa-linked Agitators Exerting 'Command And Control' Over Unrest |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Rep Eliot Engel (D-NY): "If I Didn't Have a Primary, I Wouldn't Care" |
2020-06-04 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-04 |
San Jose Pharmacy Looted: Customers Left Without Medications |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Two NYPD Officers Shot Last Night, One Stabbed... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
LIVE: DOJ To Hold Virtual Press Conference at 12:30 p.m. |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Rutgers University Historian Defends Antifa and Trashes Trump |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Project Veritas Infiltration Of Antifa Video: 'Our Revolution Cannot Be Stopped' |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
'Seize this moment': NYC Comptroller Urges de Blasio To Cut Over $1B In NYPD Funding |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Dem AG: Yes, America Is Burning, But That's How Forests Grow |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Missouri AG Says Local Prosecutor Released Every Person Arrested For Rioting And Looting In St. Louis |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Wuhan Virus Watch: Data Used to Suspend WHO Hydroxychloroquine Trials Now Under Intense Scrutiny |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Trump: Biden Has Gone Seriously Radical Left But He Doesn't Know Where He Is |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Drexel University Students Protest Presence of National Guard on Campus |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Project Veritas Infiltrates Antifa, Says 'Outside funding' Could Be Involved |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton's Testimony to the House Judiciary Committee about Protecting the Right to Vote |
2020-06-04 |
www.judicialwatch.org |
2020-06-04 |
Ben Shapiro: 'The Virus Does Care' as Long as You're a George Floyd Protester |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Unemployment Claims Continue to Go Down as 1.9 Million Filed Last Week |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Trump: You Have To Have Dominant Force, We Need Law And Order... |
2020-06-04 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-04 |
Gov. Cuomo Under Pressure To Eliminate No Cash Bail Laws For Looters |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
Is this The End of Eliot Engel? Ocasio-Cortez Wreaks Havoc in NY Democratic Primary |
2020-06-04 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-04 |
'Most' Arrested Protesters Immediately Released Due to NY Bail Reform Law |
2020-06-04 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-04 |
Winthrop University Censors Dean for Using Term 'Wuhan Virus' |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis Denounces President Trump's Response to Protests |
2020-06-04 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-04 |
Branco Cartoon - Fiddle Dee and Fiddle Dum |
2020-06-04 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-04 |
Why I'm Suspended from Twitter: You Can't Say "Violent Criminal Looters Should be Shot", by Michelle Malkin |
2020-06-03 |
www.unz.com |
2020-06-04 |
Get Up Off Your Knees, by Michelle Malkin |
2020-06-03 |
www.unz.com |
2020-06-04 |
Antifa planned anti-government insurgency before George Floyd protests: law enforcement official |
2020-06-03 |
www.washingtontimes.com |
2020-06-04 |
EXCLUSIVE CAUGHT ON TAPE: Democratic Socialists of America Train Protesters To Loot and Riot - National File |
2020-06-03 |
nationalfile.com |
2020-06-04 |
Soros and taxpayers helped fund the riots |
2020-06-04 |
conservativehardliner.com |
2020-06-03 |
The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-03 |
Former Obama Intelligence Official Helps Secure Bail for Molotov Cocktail-Throwing NYC Lawyer |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Jews In Brooklyn Cheer On NYPD As The March Towards Rioters... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Union Boss: NYPD Losing City, Begs Trump To Help Them... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Soros-backed St. Louis Prosecutor Ensures All Arrested Looters and Rioters Released From Jail |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-03 |
Dimwit In A Joker Mask Torches Chicago PD Car... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Rod Rosenstein Is Exactly Who He Appears To Be -- A DOJ Hack |
2020-06-03 |
redstate.com |
2020-06-03 |
'Retribution': Chinese State Media Calls Violent U.S. Protests A 'Beautiful Sight' |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
BREAKING: MN Attorney General Ellison Charges 4 Officers in Floyd Murder |
2020-06-03 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-03 |
Rioting in Multiple Cities Drives Massive Surge in Gun Sales |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-03 |
Police Search For Memphis Rioter Accused Of Strangling Stolen Puppy To Death |
2020-06-03 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-03 |
Rosenstein/McCabe Square Off, Accuse One Another Of Lying In Russia Hoax |
2020-06-03 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-03 |
Immediately After Rioting and Looting Ended, La Mesa Citizens Gathered to Clean-Up |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-03 |
America's Four Month Lockdown May Have Killed Nation's Largest Theater Chain... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Swalwell Shares Tweet Comparing Trump To Saddam Hussein, Hitler Who 'Gassed' citizens |
2020-06-03 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-03 |
China Threatens To Retaliate After Boris Johnson Offers 3 Million Hong Kong Citizens Asylum In UK... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
NYC Mayor DeBlasio Refuses to Call In National Guard |
2020-06-03 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-03 |
NYC Politician Blames Potential Spike In COVID Cases On 'Racism', Not Protestors |
2020-06-03 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-03 |
China Militarizing Stolen U.S. Tech, State Department Says |
2020-06-03 |
freebeacon.com |
2020-06-03 |
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison to up charge in George Floyd case to 2nd Degree Murder, also charge other officers |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |
2020-06-03 |
While Baseball Players Whine Over Salary Cuts, NBA Returns July 31st... |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Dark To Light: President Trump & AG Barr Take It Back |
2020-06-03 |
uncoverdc.com |
2020-06-03 |
Snapchat Stops Promoting Trump's Acct. To Counter 'Voices Who Incite violence..injustice' |
2020-06-03 |
saraacarter.com |
2020-06-03 |
Dem Rep. Al Green: We Made a Mistake When We Did Not Impeach Trump For His Racism |
2020-06-03 |
www.weaselzippers.us |
2020-06-03 |
Rosenstein Testifies To Congress: 'I Would Not' Have Signed FISA Warrant |
2020-06-03 |
thegreggjarrett.com |
2020-06-03 |
NY Times: Blame Tear Gas, Not Rioters and Looters, If There's New Coronavirus Outbreak |
2020-06-03 |
legalinsurrection.com |